Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Oh. My. Goodness.

Apologies first, SORRY! Ok well, It would be an understatement to say that during spring break I neglected my blog.  It wasn't for lack of motivation, but instead an intense effort to stay away from anything school related during the break. I can honestly say I think I opened my laptop once all spring break. I would say I completely avoided using my brain at all over break, but that's not true, I've actually found some time to relax and read, something I haven't done in a while!

I always joke around and say that if there is a band wagon chances are I'm jumping on it.  And my reasoning is this: if a majority of people around me thoroughly enjoy something, chances are that I will too. So I read The Hunger games over break, I haven't read the other two but intend to soon! I've also started a new book, that has been wonderful in aiding me in my procrastinating nature.

I love Jodi Picoult, I blame Valerie Erwin for getting me hooked on her books during our amazing summer trips to Pawley's Island... which, I miss terribly! I plan on doing a post about my beach trip/spring break, but as time passes I feel I might have missed the time that that post would have been relevant.  So, expect a very outdated post soon.  However, a little preview of my next few weeks!  

Friday, April 6th I'll be attending the Easter service at NewSpring, go here if you want to see a little preview about what we'll be seeing!

The following Sunday i'll be participating in the Greenville Mud Run, division B. Ahh! I'm so nervous, as well as excited but I feel I may or may not be a little over my head with this one.
Division B – “We Can Move” Division B Teams are in good physical shape and are ready to do their best (mile run time of 7 – 9 minutes).

Guess it's time to whip myself into shape and I have what... two weeks? Not even! Wish me luck! Well, give me some slack these next few weeks as I get back into the Blogging groove, I promise not to abandon my post for that long again any time soon!


  1. i always jump on the bandwagon for good books! i hardly ever read something unless everyone else is raving about it. they're almost always right though!! i've heard of the mud run before! super intense, you must be a beast!! haha good luck running it!! hope you have fun :)

  2. Nineteen Minutes is a fantastic book! One of my roommates a few years ago had a whole collection of Jodi Picoult books so I got to read a ton of them...that was definitely one of my favorites, so I hope you like it!
    Good luck at your mud run! Finishing a crazy race (mud, obstacles, something like that) is on my to-do list for this year, too! :)

    Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

  3. Ah thanks guys! Be expecting a post about the mud run and I'm sure i'll be complaining about how sore/tired I am! I finished 19 minutes, it was ah-mazing! I'm now onto the second book of The Hunger Games! I'm obsessed.
