Thursday, March 15, 2012

She's got it right

Oh my, I'm so excited to share this with you guys. But first, let me explain myself!  So once a week (if our school schedules allow) I meet with two wonderful girls, Alex and Sami, and we just talk about life, relationships, and the Lord.  I feel like it always keeps me grounded, yet uplifted at the same time... if that makes any sense, at all.  Well Alex showed me this video, and it just made me giggle at first.  I watched the video, laughed, and really thought nothing of it.  I'm driving home from spill the beans (best ice cream, ever) and the weathers beautiful, good music is playing in my car, and I realize how lucky I am to have the things that I have.  The Lord's blessed me in ways that I don't even think I could ever fathom.  Take a look at this girl who's got the right idea:

Oh my cuteness.

So anyways, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to feel a little bit like she does: Excited and enthusiastic about what the Lord is doing in each of our lives.  I feel like I've done a post on this like 20 times, but it's just so important, and I am constantly needing a reminder myself.  Happy Wednesday, well... Thursday now.  One more day of school, and I'm off on SPRING BREAK! Expect posts of me bragging at the beach asap, Just kidding. ... But maybe a few.
Video taken from Youtube.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Short and Sweet

Ok, so it is SO late, and I still have homework to do but I really just wanted to do a short and sweet post since I've completely neglected my blog all weekend long.  I was so blessed to have spent my entire Sunday worshiping and praising God.  I went to the eleven a'clock service at Newspring, and I would be lying if I told you it was anything less than AWESOME. I continue to learn and grow so much through that church.  I also had the wonderful opportunity of accompanying Alex's mom, Tina, to the "Come to the Well tour" which featured Lindsay Mccaul, Royal Tailor, Matthew West, and Casting Crowns.

Taken by Tina, found it here!
It was beyond amazing to listen to what each performer had to say, as well as just listening and experiencing hundreds of people worship God through song and praise.  My favorite thing about going to concerts is when the singer takes a second and just lets the crowd take over, it's such a good reminder that we're not alone.  It was absolutely amazing to take a look around the Bi-lo center and see eyes closed, and hands raised.  

I also wanted to share a song that I heard at FCA as well as the service at Newspring today, this particular version is "Give me Faith" by Elevation Worship.  I hope that someone listens to it and just feels empowered and encouraged to keep your faith with the Lord.  I really couldn't have asked for a better way to start my week! I hope that yours goes good as well!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

KONY 2012

"Right now there are more people on Facebook than there were on the planet two hundred years ago. Humanities greatest desire is to belong and connect and now we see each other, we hear each other, we share what we love and it reminds us what we all have in common. This connection is changing the way the world works..."

KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, 
not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.

I encourage you to take some time to watch this video, to really listen and to pay attention.  If you feel moved by this video there are some steps you can take after watching:
  1. Sign the Pledge.
  2. Join a movement.  (Clemson's campus specific, find one in your area!)
  3. If you can, give.
  4. Get the gear.
"The LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound" Isaiah 61:1

How to: Be happy?

Ok, so you're wondering how a 20 something college girl without "real life" experiences can give advice on how to be happy.  

And you're right, that's insane, I could never give a HOW TO guide on happiness.  What I can do, however, is share with you a few of the ways that I am making myself happier, and I'd like to think the people around me happier as well. I'm going to supplement this post with some pinteresting things (like how I did that... pin-teresting, interesting... with pinterest... punny) from my board "words to LIVE by".

1. Be nice.  It's hard sometimes, to love each other with the kindness and compassion that is expected of us.  And we're not perfect, we're not always going to be able to be kind, to be caring, and to simply be nice to those we don't like or who make us angry.  But anger only produces anger, hate only produces hate, and love... well, I believe it can then produce love. 

 2. Find something you're passionate about.  My goodness there are so many things on this earth that you can do! FIND ONE.   Some things I'm passionate about? Blogging, music, fashion, crafts, my family, my friends, my school, my puppy, my relationship and growth in Christ... I could go on all day.  So find something you like, and dive in, we're all happiest doing what we love.

3. Have trust in the Lord. If you put you're faith in him, you will not be led astray.  
Cast your cares on the LORD and we he will sustain you; he will never let the righteousness be shaken. Psalm 55:22

  4. Find financial stability. Money is seriously one of the biggest stressors that people deal with today.  It took me a long time, actually, no I'm still learning how to budget, and manage my money in a responsible manner.  But I can tell you that when I plan, manage, and budget i'm less stressed and more prepared.  There's a budgeting class at Newspring that you better believe I'll be taking soon! Check it out.

5. Give yourself time to relax. When you're freaking out, frazzled, and completely going crazy the very last thing you need is your stress level to sky rocket.  I can guarantee you that no big problems were solved by stress.  Sometimes when I need to relax I: wine and dine myself, or turn to some scripture, talk to a friend, go for a run, take a nap, watch TV.  All of these things help to wind down, relax, and get my mind off of things for just a little while.

Like I said, no "HOW TO be happy" but just a little but of advice from a 20 something girl who's learning the way of life, and taking as well as giving advice on how to do so in a happy and loving manner.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Indulge a little

After a rather stressful week/weekend, I had some time to sit and relax before beginning a new week.  Monday nights are my TV nights, where I typically get my full dose of drama and comedy via:

 However, I was absolutely heart broken when I found out that America's Next Top Model was replacing my Gossip Girl.  It was a surprise, and I don't mean a good one.  I realize that I shouldn't be so upset over missing one show, but when you've been watching something for years, these things just can't happen! Needless to say, I got over it... by replacing it with Law & Order: SVU, another absolute favorite!  

And to avoid going too far into detail, I would just like to say that... given the time of month I spent my lazy and unproductive night with a glass of wine (Yellow Tail, Pinot Noir- Shiraz) and some ah-mazing ice cream (Starbucks, Coffee Ice cream).  

And what better way to end an evening than skyping with two of your best friends?  I don't think there is one.  Sam is visiting Valerie in colorado... I think at this point it goes without saying that I am very jealous. I miss both of you to pieces! 

What do you enjoy on a nice and relaxing evening?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Photo challenge-- 21

 I'm so excited to have found this photo challenge via It's Official, this is my first photo challenge and I'm so pumped to share my own photo's as well as seeing everyone else's!

Here's how to play:

♥ Starting on March 1st take a photo each day with inspiration from the prompt. For example prompt 1 is 'up', so take a photo looking up. Or of the word 'up'. Or something that lifts your mood 'up'. It it totally up to you how you want to interpret it.

♥ Once you've taken your photo you can share it on Instagram, Facebook {on your own profile or business page}, Twitter, Flickr, your blog, Pinterest, Tumblr or even just keep them in a folder on your desktop. If you're sharing on Twitter or Instagram add the hashtag #Marchphotoaday so others can find your photos too.
Information for  Photo Challenge taken from  Fat Mum Slim
Keep a look our for some of my photo's on Twitter, #Marchphotoaday, and see all of them here!

I also wanted to give a little shout-out to my wonderful, beautiful roommate Tori Jones! Being the lucky girl that she is, she also shares her birthday with Justin Bieber, who just so happens to be 18 and legal now! Watch out world... haha! Happy Birthday Tori!

Her sign, with 21 tasks to complete!
Our celebratory glass of wine!